
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am looking forward to a great year with you and your child!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Box Tops

Earn cash for our school by clipping 10¢ Box Tops from hundreds of products and sending them to school with your child. Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10¢ and they add up fast! It is a very easy way for our school to earn the money we need. Thank you for your help.

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School Supply List

Coosada Elementary School

First Grade Supply List

** The teachers will label the items appropriately**

24 ct Crayola Crayons - 3 packs

Plastic Pocket Folder with brads and pockets - 5 folders (one of each color: Purple, Yellow, Green, Red, Blue)

Scissors -1

Copier Paper - 2 reams

Colored Copier paper - 1 ream

Wide rule notebook paper -1

Expo Markers - 2

Ream Zaner-Bloser 10 ½” X 8” Handwriting Paper Grade 1- 1

Headphones - 1

Crayon and pencil school box holder - 1

Package Pencil erasers - 1

Additional Items Needed:
(these items will also be needed throughout the whole school year - thanks!!)

Bottles of Hand Sanitizer (2)

Paper Towels (3 count)

Lysol Disinfectant wipes (2)

Kleenex Tissues (2)

Lysol Disinfectant Spray (1)

Gallon size Ziploc Bags (1)

Treats for the treat jar (wrapped candy or small toys)

Band-Aids (1)